
Studio TOMAOVALLICELLI was born as a natural consequence of the friendship between Antonio Alberto Tomao and Luca Vallicelli, built over the years they spent together at the Valle Giulia Faculty of Architecture in Rome.
After different experiences in Italy and abroad, a fruitful collaboration begins in 2016 which leads to the birth of the Studio whose activity ranges from architectural design to product design, from urban planning to interior design, with projects carried out both in Italy and abroad, with the aim of always seeking new forms of living through the complex design of spaces, the study of construction techniques and materials.
Since 2013 the Studio has been conducting research collaborating with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on various architectural design courses.
The studio’s works are published in paper and online magazines in the sector.
Since 2018 the office has been based in Rome, Via di Pietralata 147/B.

Antonio Alberto Tomao

(Rome, 1987) graduated in Architecture at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” has collaborated with important Italian and international studios in Rome, Milan and China. In 2013 he obtained a scholarship with which he obtained the II level University Master in Architectural design of sports facilities. He carries out the role of assistant professor in Architectural Design at the University of Studies of Rome “La Sapienza”. He has successfully participated in several international design competitions and boasts numerous publications in prestigious magazines and online platforms. In the 2020 he won the organized IN / ARCHITECTURE prize by I.N.Arch. and A.N.C.E. for the “Young Designers” category for the Lazio-Abruzzo-Molise area.

Luca Vallicelli

(Rome, 1987) graduated in Architecture at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He has collaborated with important roman offices where he trained above all in the field of interior and product design and in works management. In 2014 he started his own professional activity mainly dealing with interior design in the public and private sector, in retail and urban planning. Since 2016 he has been collaborating with various companies and agencies in real estate, especially with regard to the revaluation of assets mainly in the hospitality sector.